Welcome to the Global 'Great Escape' Master Class!

This is the globally-relevant version of my 'Move Abroad' Master Class for anyone with any passport.

For YEARS, I thought something was wrong with ME. As a young adult, I spent all of my time looking at travel photos and dreaming of ways to leave America. When I was 21, I finally took the leap and moved to China completely on my own. I didn’t speak Chinese, I had never been to China before, and I didn’t have a network there either. 

This was the start to finding my place in the world.

I built this course with my former self in-mind. Figuring out how to move abroad over and over again was so emotionally taxing and financially difficult, I thought it would be beneficial to put all of my learnings into one space for others to benefit! I’m here to help you build a better life abroad, no matter your background.

Welcome to my 'Move Abroad' Master Class


Hi, I’m Vanessa

Vanessa Menchaca Wachtmeister (M.W) if you want to be technical about it. For the last 7 years, I’ve moved to 4 different countries all on my own without the help of lawyers or a major corporation. I’m NOT a wanderlust digital nomad based in Bali. I’m a woman in tech with a family and very REAL responsibilities. Living abroad has changed my entire life trajectory; and now it's your turn.

Welcome to my Master Class!

The Great Escape 'Move Abroad' Master Class isn’t about running away from your responsibilities. It’s about running full-speed towards your dreams.  Opening borders means opening yourself to new and wonderful experiences. America is a wonderful place with decent people, BUT there’s an entire world out there waiting for you. You owe it to yourself to figure-out what makes you happy.

For the last decade, I’ve been moving back and forth across the world figuring out what makes me happy. Along the way, I met my incredible German husband, I adopted my Italian cat, and I’ve been to over 50 countries!

Student Reviews

Hear from the graduates of my American-specific 'Move Abroad' Master Class.

Graduate with a detailed 6-month Plan!

For the 'final exam,' you will be given the task to create your own end-to-end strategy. This is your opportunity to pull together all the pieces to help manifest your big move! Here's a recent student's presentation on her big more to Barcelona and some of the personal reasons behind her decision.

Internationally Relevant

No matter where you're from or what your background is, there's a place for you here. I've created this Master Class to be simple, relatable, and most importantly RELEVANT! My 'move abroad' framework is designed to be helpful for any passport because it covers the end-to-end process for all visa/movement scenarios.

Diversity is Celebrated Here

Typically, moving abroad has long been something that only privileged and wealthy people have access to. Today, I'm empowering people from all walks of life to follow their dreams across the globe.

What Graduates are Saying

how to move abroad how to find work abroad how to work internationally

Who is This Course For?

Meet-people- moving-abroad


Professionals interested in expanding their careers abroad, gathering experience for their CVs, and who are interested in a better quality of life. (Tech, Education, Medicine, Finance, etc)

Long-term Travelers

Travelers interested in sustainable, long-term travel (1-2 years) in a foreign country via seasonal work or limited contracts. (Recent Graduates, Au Pairs, Students, Gap-Year, Backpackers)

Partners of Foreign Nationals

Partners of foreign nationals looking to join their partner or family member abroad. Everyone loves a love story!

How to find a job abroad how to move abroad

Be Location Independent

Corona has been a BIG wake-up call for most of us. The future is digital and becoming a remote worker will give your the freedom to pursue your travel ambitions while paying your bills. In my new Entrepreneur Visa section, you'll learn more about the various Digital Nomad visas that are offered so you can build your dreams and business anywhere.

how to move abroad

American vs Global Course

This Global 'Great Escape' Master Class is structured with all passports in mind. For that reason, I've intentionally left out the American-specific nuances that come with moving abroad.

The American 'Great Escape' Includes:

  • A detailed American tax section

  • Videos and Tutorials from other Americans abroad

  • Weekly Live Classes that are held 3x a year

  • American-specific Visa & Immigration content/support

The Global 'Great Escape' Course is meant to be a detailed, but still general overview of the 'move abroad' process and 100% self-taught.

Find-out more about the American 'Great Escape' Master Class.

Unlike Anything Available

Every time I had to move, there was nothing online that supported my move end-to-end. There were vague blogs and expensive lawyers that could help me with specifics, but where was the support for less technical situations? Is this even the right country for me? How do I get an apartment or job? How do I make friends??

After much trial and error, I've pulled together a proven framework that can be applied to any international move to ensure you're ready to thrive in your new home.


Today I am very fortunate to have so many options when it comes to mobility. I started with just an American passport and ZERO rights to work elsewhere. All of my immediate family is in the United States, I wasn’t offered a job abroad, and I didn’t have anyone who was willing to mentor me during this difficult time. And still, I was able to pull it off!… over and over again. 

Today, I can legally work and in live in 33 countries! 

How This Course Works

Important Details

Course Breakdown

This is a 5 week course with 5 modules in total. Each module will have pre-recorded materials with simple, straight-forward homework.

Timed Content Release

I've scheduled for each week's course content to be released on a timer to ensure you're pacing yourself and have enough time to complete the homework. Every 7 days, a new module will open up!

Your Access Never Expires

You'll have access to this course FOREVER! Look forward to regular updates when it comes to graduate presentations, updated modules, and improved resources.

What Makes this Course Special?

Meet-people- moving-abroad


Start your experience abroad with an immediate network of like-minded people in our Facebook Community! Everyone in the class is on the exact same journey as you. 

Country-specific Info

In the 3rd module, we’re going to break into country and region specific groups in order to build a country-specific guide for you specific situation. 


No matter where you’re from or what you’re cultural background, there’s a place for you here. Travel is not for the rich and privileged only. 

If Not Now, then When?

Perhaps the best part of moving abroad is living a life that is 100% authentically curated for you and your family. You get to choose where you go based on your values and live the life you always envisioned for yourself. Here's a look into a graduate's 6-month plan to move to Hong Kong with tons of personal details that are important to her.

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 1 - Where in the World
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus: Move Abroad Digital Planner
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2 - All Roads Lead to Rome
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS: How to do a Masters Abroad Workshop (Replay)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3 - A Penny Saved, is a Penny Earned
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus: How to Find a Job Abroad Workshop
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4 - Cultural Chameleon
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Five 5 - Final Exam
Available in days
days after you enroll

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